Friday, June 19, 2009

It's How I ride

This past weekend, in addition to being my Birthday, was our wedding anniversary. Twelve years......... 1..2.years! And I would have to add, going strong! This year we (I) bucked tradition, we (I) bought us both a gift. Road ID's

It's like a dog tag for when you do your outdoor activity. Since we do a lot of out door activities, sometimes (many times) alone we(I) thought it would be a good idea. Yeah, I know.. kind of morbid, but so is a will. Why for our anniversary? Well I had been thinking about it for a while and the date was enough to get me over the activation barrier. Hopefully we'll never have to use them... except if the cell phone dies and I can't remember my home number because it's in my cell phone, now it will be right there on my wrist :)

Due to my (our) purchase, if you order a Road ID you can get $1 off, use Coupon Number: ThanksChristopher496694. Or you can use coupon number: Levi and get $2 off. Bastards, isn't my testimony worth whatever he would say. I mean, he's always riding with Lance and they have a support car following them. I have a car following me too but it always has a texting teenage girl behind the wheel.

Yesterday I went for an early morning mountain bike ride, 21 miles and 3454 ft of climbing. My friend Josh and I hooked up at 6:15am and hit the trails. This way we miss the heat of the day (which hasn't been all that high) and we miss the potential afternoon rain. Even more importantly I got to go to the vacation bible school concert/recital last night. The ride included a lot of climbing, similar to my craptacular performance at the Winter Park HC. Guess what, I still can't climb. Damn it. Under trained or Over trained, that is the question. My legs were hurting but I still feel like riding so I am going with under trained, just out of shape..... even though I have ~2500miles in the legs so far this year, how is that possible? Oh.. incorrectly trained, I see.

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