Monday, May 3, 2010

Mountain Bike Racing - The Movie

Nothing too exciting this past weekend to report on. Got in some more mountain biking, worked around the house and play time with the kids. Thanks to the in-laws for helping me out with the home fixings, that stupid outdoor faucet got the best of me.

The race I was going to do was cancelled due to the possibility of weather. I hope the race series doesn't go away, it's been fun.

I found a movie on the web from the race I won a few weeks back. You can catch a glimpse of me at the beginning on the right side. I was following this guy for a few laps then I lunched my move.


2010-04-17 FRMTBS #2 @ NAAC (Golden, CO) from jasper9 on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Sandbagger!!! I kid, good work.. Launched your move? More like wait till I blow up!
