Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lefty Repair and Squaw Pass

Great news, the loaner Lefty fork for the Cannondale Flash 29er came in and I pickup the bike yesterday. So I'm back in action. After looking at the loaner fork I think my original fork always had a problem. When I originally got the bike it always had a little oil on top of the fork. I just assumed it was the way Lefty forks behaved. But the loaner is bone dry. So, I'm guessing the seal was always leaking and it was just a mater of time. The QA at the Lefty factory must have been off using his/her lefty for some personal gratification and missed the early 29er forks coming off the line. On the topic of Cannondale repair turn around time, the LBS apparently held on to my bike until the loaner fork showed up. So, for the past 10 days the bike was just getting ready to be worked on. The fork was finally shipped out this past Thursday, so we'll start the Cannondale clock then and leave the rest on the shop clock.

On the training side of things, Thursday morning (before I heard I was getting the 29er back) I went up to Squaw/Juniper pass. I need some hill and altitude time to get ready for the Mt Evan's race I'm going to do later this month. (I'm looking for a better time than my last race a few years ago). I can't even tell you the last time I road to the top of this pass. Years ago I remember getting to the top in about 1:45, this time I was at the top in 1:20. So, as long as my memory is good then I'm improving. I'm not sure if it was the altitude or my legs, but I road at 93% LTHR while only putting out 79% FTP. I'm guessing the recovery week next week is coming at a good time.

The top was magnificent! I was at the top around 8am. I was alone and it was nice and quiet, BEAUTIFUL. The photo just doesn't do it justice. I hung out for a while then slipped back down the mountain.

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