Thursday, March 20, 2014

Training Camp

I've found that adding a "training camp" to my schedule has been very beneficial to my fitness each year.  A training camp is basically an entire week where you commit to riding everyday of the week, including both weekends on either end (9 days)  The goal is to log as much time as you can.  My basic commitment is a minimum of 2 hours per day.  This number comes about because if the weather is poor, 2 hours is about all I can tolerate on the trainer.  But also be careful, 4 hours one day does not mean you've ridden two days worth of time.  It means nice job, now ride at least two hours the next day.  Thus I set out to log as many hours as I can.  Be warned, by the end of the week you can be pretty zapped.

Pace on these early training camp rides is typically base miles, Level 2 endurance power.  Training camps later in the season are more tempo, L3 based.  As much time as possible in that zone.  You're going for an adaptation with your body to get your aerobic engine rev'd up.

During the past few years when I've had training camps, I've only traveled someplace away from home once.  Typically I do what I can to set aside my extra commitments that I have for that week and just ride.  I'll come in to work a little late or leave a little early to get my riding in that week, because it's training camp week.  I take the long ride into work or on the way home.

I'm planning to have a training camp starting this weekend, through next week which is spring break for the kids.  The weather is looking good and I'm looking forward to getting out for some riding.  Wish me luck, and set yourself up for a training camp this spring, you'll be glad you did.

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