Monday, February 23, 2009

Time machine..?

Wow! The stock market is down to what it was 12 years ago. Now that's progress! Twelve years of economic success, up in smoke. Tell me... where did all that money go? I know they've been printing it for the past twelve years. China? The middle East? Are people hording it under their beds?

Now that the government has a couple of bailout/stimulus packages, they're going to reduce the deficit. People across America have been discovering the limits to living on credit. I'm glad some of those folks work in the government. Now they know what most people already knew, bad things happen when you spend more than you make. Oh wait, that's what the bailout is for, if you haven't played by the rules you get a pass because the economy needs you to keep breaking the rules. Hmmm... is that fixing it or just pushing the reset button?

On a lighter note, I did get married 12 years ago. While life hasn't been perfect, that part has been pretty enjoyable. So, I think I'll go home and hug and kiss the family, because in the end its the only thing that really matters.

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