Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Annual Funk or Just Feeling Overwhelmed

Well.. it's that time of year again. May. The weather is finally breaking clear and getting warm. The days are nice and long, plenty of time to play outside, life is good.

So why is it that I have been so grumpy and irritable lately? Is the sun too bright, is it too warm to ride, am I not getting enough family time, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I can hear my mother say "it's like this every year before your birthday, you just need to get that out of the way." Uuhh... I don't think its because I'm looking forward to birthday presents anymore.... is it? (I'll make a list for you later Mom)

I made a commitment to myself to post on the issue, forcing me to think about it and see if I could come up with some rational reason for the problem. The story may suck but maybe it will help shed some light on the issue.

My first intuition was to look at what has recently changed in my life. Looking back over the past couple of months life has been about playing with the family, going to work and trying to coordinate riding whenever possible. There weren't a lot of extra activities because it was ... after the kids bed time, too cold outside, it was dark... (insert excuse here). Now it seams that all the excuses are mostly gone. The kids bed times are more flexible because it's still light out, we are outside all the time because it's beautiful out, the spring to-do list comes due, more activities with family and friends, more biking, more racing, less sleep. The time required for what I will call fundamental life is the same, time at work is the same, time for chores is the same, time to sleep should be the same. However, time that I want to spend with the kids is up, time I should spend on the bike is up, time I need for jobs around the house are up, time required to coordinate and attend social activities are up, the Giro is on TV! Mathematically. the number of hours available is less than the number of hours required to accomplish what I want.

Hey, this should all be a good thing. This is how life should be.. right; busy, active and exciting. But the sudden change from the normal routine makes me feel overwhelmed, tired, lethargic, sick.... grumpy and irritable. That sucks, spring is passing me by!

My wife has been very patient with me. Picking up my slack, tolerating me and being the superuberrock star I know and love. I see her wondering what my problem is but sometimes that's hard for me to answer.

So, is it the annual funk or just being overwhelmed. Well, it sounds like I'm just feeling overwhelmed as a result of the season, making this my annual funk.

So for now I think my approach going forward will be 1. Enjoy the season, be present and enjoy the moment, 2. Be there for the family and kids, 3. get out and ride 4. live life to the fullest oh and 5. Make sure the things that absolutely must be done by tomorrow are done (if the opportunity to get ahead on the task list presents itself, that means I have time to watch the Giro).

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, sorry it's been such a tough time lately. I know what you mean about being overwhelmed by the new season, I like your idea for no day at a time. Hope you get some time to enjoy the fam. I'll be in town for you birthday, so you don't have to stress about that anymore :) j/k. take care
