Friday, October 23, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts. Things have been crazy busy!

This past weekend we had some family friends visit from out of town. (by they way, I have the Lego's) It was great to see them. We all had a great time. As part of the activities for the weekend I got to race the Valmont Park Cross Race. I finished 12h on that crazy bumpy coarse. I was really set back by a poor warm up. Our race went off at 8 am, since the sun didn't come up until 7:15, it was hard to get the pre-race routine in. My legs were hurting those first couple of laps.

Sunday had everyone catching a plane, including me. I was off on a three day, three city whorl wind tour. Basically the outcome of those meeting was not what I was hoping for. Not bad but I came back needing to get a lot of work done. Missing 3 days around the house (not counting the past month and a half of weekends that we've been gone) has really put me behind there too.

So, needless to say I have been working a lot. First at work then rushing home to try and squeeze in family time....... "Squeezing in family time" - that doesn't really work, forcing the issue can make things worse. I just need to be there.

So, I'm looking forward to a slower weekend ..... yea right. Things aren't going to ease up just yet. Activities already planned for both days.

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