Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making Changes

So a few days ago I wrote about how the 2009 race season had gone. I believe there is room to improve for next year but I would like to be smart about it. This time of year is not about logging the miles or getting in the hard intervals. So I’ve been trying to clean up one of the areas that’s needed some help, diet.

I don’t feel like my diet has been bad but it could certainly be better. As to how much better, we’ll see. My goal is to improve my diet and get down to racing weight before the start of the road and mountain bike season.

To accomplish this task, I have enlisted the help of my wife. She’s really the family cook and controls all things food at our house. Thankfully we’ve both been interested in improving our diet so the adventure begins. It’s always exciting to make changes in your established diet, your favorite meals and existing habbits.

For the past week and a half I’ve been on basically on Vegan diet. For those of you that know me your probably surprised, hell I’m surprised. But I gave it a try and I’ve felt great! It’s a bit of a struggle but things have been going well so far.

We’ll have to see if it sticks and has the intended results but so far things are going in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Go veggie dude.....is this picture what you want for dinner? :)
