Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, it's hear. 2009. It is always an exciting time to look forward.

Today was great. I pedaled on some roads I have never ridden. They've been there but I have missed them. It was a super ride. Riding around early when the streets were still empty was fun, relaxing and satisfying.

All of the in-laws got together for a super lunch at my wife's brothers house. All the kids had a super fun time. Four of them are separated by one year. It gets exciting. They are all finally reaching and age were they interact and play with each other. I am always happy when they get together, I was never able to be with my extended family as often as we can. Nate was asleep before we got out of the cul-de-sac. Lunch was awesome! It was nice to get together and I enjoyed the conversation.

Happy New Year Karen.... I hope your travels to your new family went well.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out dude. travels were good, but it is nice to be back at home with a little time to relax before starting back on monday. Cute vacuum pic, tyler is still in awe that he cried that long after we put the vacuum away :)
