Thursday, March 5, 2009


Feels like things are a little... ho hum.

Here is my take on things:

Had fun this morning with the kids.... but Kailee was mean to Nate.
Getting stuff done in the lab.... but the instrument I need is broken.
Its warm outside.... but the wind is really blowing
Looking forward to this weekend..... but it will be cooler and might snow
Going for a ride this afternoon.... but I have a broken cleat on my shoe (I think it'll still work)

Then I checked out the news, nothing going on there!

The DOW was up yesterday..... but now its even lower than before
GM got a bunch of my tax money.... but has doubts of survival
AIG got even more of my tax money.... but they want more
Micheal Jackson announces final curtain call.... but Britney is back
R. Limbaugh is an idiot.... but... no he's an idiot

Hmmm, I appear to be stuck in a vortex of the status quo, the nexus of the space time continuum with good and evil on all sides....... that sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like life to me. At least I am hopeful that we will soon be heading in the right direction. At least the priorities seem to be better than before - spreading the $$'s around insteading of giving them all to the rich; attempting to move toward a more "green" nation; and putting some real priorities on education. Who knows maybe, just maybe it might work if we all pull together.
    Our caretaker asked me yesterday if I knew anything about the $12K grant available through the stimulus package. I had not heard of it. He said, "What's the catch? There has to be a catch. Surely my taxes will go up. There must be a catch."
    What if there isn't a catch? What if it will help him put down the $$'s he needs for a house?? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
